New York-Area Game Companies
I used to have an extensive list of New York-area game companies here, but a better and more frequently updated list can now be found at the NYC Game Industry website.

Other Sites
- My Facebook page.
- My LinkedIn page.
- I am not, however, a Twit. I communicate best in the form of 2000+ word essays, have no interest in expressing myself in 140 characters, and really can't be bothered.
- My former blog.
- For several years, I ran a site that reviewed indie games called Play This Thing!. My hosting service managed to destroy the hard drive on which it was stored, and recreating a Drupal 5.0 environment and getting all of the text data back into a SQL database to revive it sounds way too daunting, but through the miracle of Archive.org, you can still look at it, should you so desire.

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Copyright © 1998-2014 by Greg Costikyan.